Brussels: In the early afternoon of Sunday, 04 February 2024, Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration arrived at Brussels airport. He was received at the gate by Representative Rigzin Genkhang and was accorded a warm welcome with traditional Chemar Changbhue and khatas by the Presidents of the Tibetan Community, other Tibetan associations and the general public who had been eagerly waiting for the political leader.

Sikyong was escorted to his hotel in a motorcade accompanied by a police escort. He was welcomed on his arrival at the hotel by a crowd with Chemar Changbhue and Tashi Shoelpa organized by the Tibetan Community.

In the late after-noon, Sikyong Penpa Tsering arrived at the port city of Antwerp where the majority of Tibetans live. There, he interacted with Tibetan youth. During the hour-long interaction, Sikyong emphasised the historical status of Tibet, its rich cultural heritage, ecological significance and the current situation in Tibet. He further reminded the younger generation of their responsibility of taking the Tibetan freedom struggle forward.

In the evening, Sikyong addressed a packed audience of Tibetans who had travelled from different parts of Belgium. Sikyong spoke at length on the priorities of the Central Tibetan Administration followed by a Q&A session.

Dinner was served and a presentation of cultural performance by the Lhakar group and students of Sherab Nangjey weekend Tibetan school closed the evening.
After successfully concluding his visit, Sikyong Penpa Tsering departed Brussels for India on Monday, 05 February morning. He was accompanied by Representative Genkhang and her staff during the whole visit.